Architecture AI Pathing Project - System Manager and Automating Component Application to Imported Models
October 29, 2020 Automating Component Application and System Manager Architecture AI Pathing Project System Manager and Initialization The integration of several classes and adding more has started to create a lot of necessary references becoming difficult to time properly. To make sure a certain class has already initialized or some other class has performed its Awake() method I end up making extra references and method calls within other classes so the proper references are set before peroforming those methods. In an effort to organize this better and make the timing more understandable, I am looking at making a SystemManager gameobject to replace the DemoManager, and either add an Initialization class to this or make it its own class if it does not require being a monobehaviour. This Initialization class will be responsible for calling all the major system classes initialization methods in the proper order to ensure references are met. This will also require moving som...