Learning Tactics Movement (Cont.) - BFS and Collections

December 22, 2018

Tactics Movement (Cont.) – Programming Collections

Breadth First Search (BFS) and Using Programming Collections

Unity Tutorial - Tactics Movement - Part 3

By: Game Programming Academy

This section begins to finally create the breadth first search algorithm for creating list of available selectable tile options. This section relies heavily on collections type elements in C# programming which I will need to delve into more.


Look into breadth first search, stacks, queues, and lists.

Stacks: Used to add things to a collection in a certain order and use/apply them in reverse order. Stack uses command “push”.

Queues: Use “enqueue” to add to queue and “dequeue” to remove/pull from the queue.

halfHeight was a variable used to find the center point of the game object in conjunction with the “bounds” and “extents” values of the collider. This is used when positioning the unit on a tile to make sure it is on/above the tile.

Lessons Learned

Had an issue where the mouse clicking functionality wasn’t working. It turned out that the main camera just was not tagged “maincamera”. Make sure to check camera labeling and that it matches what you call out in code when dealing with functions that deal with screen space and the camera.


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