Tower Defense Tutorial - Brackeys - Ep. 21
February 28, 2019 Tower Defense Tutorial Episode 21 – Pause Menu Youtube - How to make a Tower Defense Game (E21 PAUSE MENU) - Unity Tutorial By: Brackeys Ep. 21 This tutorial focused on creating the Pause Menu. To start, we create another UI Panel as the base for the pause menu, and added buttons for: Continue, Retry and Menu. This also had text saying “Paused”. We created a new script on our Game Manager, PauseMenu. This would deal with the functionality of activating/deactivating our pause menu UI elements. This was done with a method called Toggle, which used a command of ui.SetActive(!ui.activeSelf) which would set whether it was enabled or not to the opposite of what it currently is. We then got to actually pausing the game. This can be done by simply setting Time.timeScale = 0f. It is commonly mistaken that you also need to set Time.fixedDeltaTime to 0 as well, but this is actually taken care of by Time.timeScale already. We also need to unpause, so we set Time.timeSc...