Audio Mixing Effects - Subtractive Synthesis and Phase Shifts

February 11, 2019

Reaper – Making Music

Audio Terms

Roland Blog - Guide To Subtractive Synthesis

This blog post has a very quick, basic description of a lot of subtractive audio creation methods. This covers waveforms: sine, sawtooth, square, and triangle; amplifiers with volume envelopes; and filters.

Making Music – Difference Between Phase, Flanger, and Chorus Effects

As the title describes, this covers the 3 effects: phase shifters, flangers, and chorus effects. They all deal with making duplicates of sounds but slightly offsetting them to create different effects.

Izotope - Understanding Chorus, Flangers, and Phasers in Audio Production

This is just more descriptive takes on the duplicating/phase shifting type effects. They also include examples where these effects are used in actual songs, as well as a lot of images to visualize how they work.


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