Unity ML Agent Setup in Windows

March 11, 2019

Setting Up Using ML Agents in Unity

Windows 10 Setup

Unity – Machine Learning
Unity – Windows Installation

I was interested in trying out Unity’s machine learning agents toolkit so I started attempting to get everything setup and installed today. I have no prior experience with Python, so that took a bit of getting used to.

I had some trouble setting up initially as I followed the link in the documentation for the Python download which led me to get Python 3.7, but Python 3.6 is what is used in the installation notes. When I went to install the TensorFlow component, I couldn’t get that to work in 3.7. Afterward I went back and got Python 3.6 and setup a 3.6 environment and got the same error initially, but then got it to work after actually activating the ml-agents environment (so I may have been able to solve the error in Python 3.7 with this change).

Otherwise the setup went rather smoothly. The excessive use of Python encouraged me to look into some tutorials to start learning the basics to handle this Unity ml-agent system better.

The Windows installation also included an extra section for getting into GPU training for the ML-Agents. This seems like it adds a lot of extra complications so I am going to stick with the basic setup for now, but I may come back to this once I get a better grasp of Python and the ml-agent toolkit.


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