Password Managers

July 8, 2019

Password Managers

LifeHacker - Lifehacker Faceoff: The Best Password Managers, Compared
By: Thorin Klosowski

KeePass Homepage

Youtube - KeePass Tutorial 2017
By: Papercut

As someone that works a lot with computers, it's been way too long for me to not look into password management to keep everything secure. I happened to come across the top article from LifeHacker here today and decided to finally look into setting something up. Using that as my starting point, KeePass looked like a cool option since it was free and open source.

KeePass seems pretty cool, but being open source it also wasn't as user friendly as some of those other options, so I looked into some basic tutorials for getting it setup. The one I found above was very straight forward and it ended up being much easier to get KeePass basically setup than I thought it would.

While KeePass was pretty easy to setup its basic capabilities, there are some things I still need to look into getting around. One of those major factors is that it stores your information locally, so I'll need to delve deeper into some options for sharing the information if I need passwords for things like my email on another computer or device.


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