Pokemon Unity Tutorial - Player Movement [Pt.3]

August 13, 2019

Unity Pokemon Tutorial

UI and Pokemon Class

Youtube - Lets Make... Pokemon in Unity! - Episode 3 Basic Pokemon and UI
By: BrainStorm Games

This tutorial covered the very basics of starting to get the UI setup in the game, as well as starting the overall base Pokemon class. The UI portion was just grabbing an image and setting it as the image for a Unity UI Panel. To help present the image in a certain way, they did go into the sprite editor to apply an all around 4 pixel border to the image.

The base Pokemon class started with two enums, this time for rarity and type. This class, BasePokemon, also references an outside enum that was created called BiomeList, which will set out the different types of environments a Pokemon can be found in. Other than these enums, the rest was just preparing the class by setting up a lot of the variables, like the Name, image, and all the stats (like hit points, attack, and defense).


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