HFFWS Rope Pulley System Issues and Strange Audio Instantiation

October 9, 2019

HFFWS Thesis Project

Creating Pulley System

Creating Pulley in HFFWS

Working with the Rope Script

The Rope script is the central focus for the pulley system, but the Fixed Joint that goes with the rigid body of the ropeStart and ropeEnd also play a crucial role which makes getting everything to work together nicely a bit of a challenge. I want the setup to be able to take in a prefab for each end of the pulley and instantiate those objects in the proper position, and then become connectedBody for each of these Fixed Joints. Similar to other issues I have had before with instantiating objects, there seems to be a critical timing factor needed on top of the fact that the objects just physically behave very weirdly when created.

I think currently there is some collision issue that is occurring because the rope ends up spawning very far away from where it is intended to spawn and also waves around violently. Meanwhile, the objects that are supposed to be at the rope ends are spawning in the correct position. The demolition ball just falls to the ground while the hinged platform moves back and forth some.

The connectedBody reference on the Fixed Joints is something that needs to be done on initialization to work properly, so I have been trying to instantiate the rope end objects first, then setting the prefab's Fixed Joint connectedBody's to these objects' rigidbody's, and then instantiating that prefab, but this is clearly leading to some significant errors. I will have to try some other approaches where I change the order of events to see if I can get more desireable results, or just understand where the errors are occurring more accurately.

Weird Audio Issue

Weird Siege(Clone) Issue There was a Siege(Clone) object being instantiated at game start. This had lots of audio files. I tracked this to the Level gameObject which has a SoundManager component. This had a Stored State of Siege which I removed. This stopped Siege from instantiating anymore. I am not sure how this got set in the first place (may happen when loading other scenes or checking the prefab scenes). The SoundLibrary component also has a Siege reference in its path: Path = 6Siege. However this does not appear to be doing anything currently.


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