
Showing posts from January, 2020

Thesis: Starting Table of Sources for Related Works and Background Section

January 27, 2020 Thesis Paper Related Works and Background Table SUMMARY The newly named Related Works and Background section for my thesis paper contains a lot of references to my many sources and how they connect with my research and project. We are now looking to add a table to this section to help organize all of these sources and show the reader more clearly what each source did and how it was incorporated into my thesis. As of now there are slightly over 30 sources referenced in this section, so I have only started to create this table. Since the table is still in the early drafts, it uses a bit of short hand. There are eight columns: Source, Title, Method, Game, Study, Results, Provide, Other Notes. This is the breakdown of what those sections each entail (the parenthetical is the general question that section looks to answer, and the following text is more description for clarification): Source - (What is it?) This is my latex name for the source Title - (What is it...

Building Unity UI that scales for a real game - Prefabs/Scenes? by Jason Weimann

January 24, 2020 Unity UI Scaling and Scenes Building Unity UI that scales for a real game - Prefabs/Scenes? Youtube - Link By: Jason Weimann Notes UI is a big part of a lot of games, so it is something that is always good to learn more about. This also deals with using UI that works across multiple scenes, so this could possibly be another route to take when dealing with the new scene management techniques I have looked into.

Thesis - HFFWS Project Update - Finishing/Fixing Foundation of Pulley Scenarios

January 17, 2020 HFFWS Generation System Fixing Pulley Scenario Foundation Pulley Scenario Issues Not Producing Designated Number of Scenarios This was working before, so it was weird that the issue came up for all three pulley options after updating, including the original scenario I worked on, HeavyDoor. I found that the wheel positioning method was getting an array index error, so I focused around there. Instances where just one wheel needed to be created seemed to actually work fine, so there was something about creating multiple wheels that was causing an issue. I looked into what was happening after the first wheel was created, and there is a method dealing with the list of weighted ranges that can remove a range without adding any new ones after choosing a position (this option exists for when a chosen position is within the buffer range on both sides of it to other taken positions, or ends). It would make sense that we get an indexing error if we started with on...

UnityLearn - Beginner Programming - Creating a Character Stat System - Pt. 01 - Overview and Creating Scriptable Objects

January 8, 2020 Beginner Programming: Unity Game Dev Courses Beginner Programming: Unity Game Dev Courses Unity Learn Course - Beginner Programming Project Overview General Overview of Creating Character Stat System Tutorials Defining and Configuring scriptable objects Accessing data inside of scriptable objects Setting up helpful debugging items Scriptable objects inside of monobehaviours Creating Scriptable Objects Scriptable Objects Explained Scriptable objects are very effective for creating designer tools. Systems Map: image showing the separate pieces of the game system and how they all connect, in a web-like design SCriptable Objects: data containers of which, we can have multiplie instances Defined by programmer Treated as assets in Unity Easy for designers to work with CANNOT be added to gameObjects as components The basic template for turning a script to a scriptable object is adding a [CreateAssetMenu()] header to the top of the script an...