Thesis: Starting Table of Sources for Related Works and Background Section

January 27, 2020

Thesis Paper

Related Works and Background Table


The newly named Related Works and Background section for my thesis paper contains a lot of references to my many sources and how they connect with my research and project. We are now looking to add a table to this section to help organize all of these sources and show the reader more clearly what each source did and how it was incorporated into my thesis. As of now there are slightly over 30 sources referenced in this section, so I have only started to create this table.

Since the table is still in the early drafts, it uses a bit of short hand. There are eight columns: Source, Title, Method, Game, Study, Results, Provide, Other Notes. This is the breakdown of what those sections each entail (the parenthetical is the general question that section looks to answer, and the following text is more description for clarification):

  • Source - (What is it?) This is my latex name for the source
  • Title - (What is it?) Title of the research paper, article, etc.
  • Method - (What is the interesting aspect?) Ex. PCG Technique, Theoretical Framework, etc.
  • Game - (What game did they use/develop, if any?)
  • Study - (How did they do their research?) What tests did they perform/how did they reach their conclusions?
  • Results - (What did they acheive?) Their findings and conclusions from their research
  • Provide - (What did it provide to our project/research?) How did this source influence our research or how the project was designed
  • Other Notes - Extra notes that won't be in the final table but are useful to keep in mind when putting it together or may be used in the table instead of something else

The image quality is not very good but that was as good as I could get it for Blogger at this time.

Image of Table in Current State
By: Me - Table for Thesis Related Works and Background Section Describing Sources Referenced


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