UnityLearn - AI For Beginners - Navigation Meshes - Pt.02 - Navigation Meshes
March 30, 2020 AI For Beginners Navigation Meshes Navigation Meshes Beginner Programming: Unity Game Dev Courses Unity Learn Course - AI For Beginners Navigation Mesh Introduction Nav Mesh: Unity function for making a navigable area for agents to traverse over. There are 4 main tabs in the Navigation window: Agents Area Bake Object Agents Core Parameters: Radius, Height, Step Height, Max Slope These dimensions determine where the agent can fit when navigating around obstacles, as well as how it can traverse elevation differences. Radius and height help limit where a character can go (cannot go between very small gaps or under objects very close to the ground) where step height is the elevation difference it can traverse in a single jump and max slope is how inclined the surface can be for the agent to travel on. The name allows you to save several types of agents, with various values for these 4 core parameters. Area How you define different costs for diffe...