Updating A* to Move Units in 3D for Elevations

March 11, 2020

Updating A*

Adding 3D Movement (Elevations)

A* Current System

The current A* system I am using solely works on a 2D plane (on the x-axis and z-axis). It creates a grid on this 2D plane and then allows agents to move specifically along this 2D plane, with no regard for heights. It is currently casting rays from above these grid nodes to detect the layer of the terrain the node is on. Each node also casts a small sphere the same size as it to detect collision for obstacles to determine if a node is traversable or not.

A* Update

Since the system already uses raycasts to detect the terrain type, I edited this to detect the height information from the terrain as well. Using RaycastHit.point, the raycast can return information on the exact point it hits, so I can pass the y-axis information from here to the node. I just do this along with the terrain detection, and pass this to the world position data of the node.

Since this update is specifically targeted at working with various elevations, I do not like using the collision spheres on the nodes to detect obstacles. Since I already have raycast incorporated, I thought it made sense to have it detect obstacles as well. Because there are layers involved for obstacles and terrain, I have the raycast check first if it can detect an obstacle (unwalkable terrain), and then if it does not find one, then check for walkable terrain and what type it is.

Finally, just to clean up, I added an extra variable to account for the unit heights when assigning elevation positions. This can be changed in the editor, but it adds a bit of elevation to the exact value from the terrain so the unit's positioning as it moves along is a bit above the ground (so it is not in or below the ground).

Next Steps

These changes worked pretty well to get close to the desired effects. The units will move along altered elevation terrains to some degree. The current testing was done with a further simplified waypoint system after grabbing all of the nodes, so only the position data of points where the unit needs to turn is really taken into account for movement. This results in weird issues since the unit will not move up and down to account for elevation if it is moving in a straight line according to the xz-plane. It only accounts for elevation if the specific waypoints end up on varied elevation points (this is why it looks pretty proper on just a slanted plane).

I will look into reverting the simplified system to see if the standard system going to every single node works first. After I get that working again in all 3 dimensions, I will look to adjust back to the simplified waypoints system.


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