UnityLearn - AI For Beginners - Finite State Machines - Pt.02 - Finite State Machine Challenge

April 6, 2020

AI For Beginners

Finite State Machines

Finite State Machines

Beginner Programming: Unity Game Dev Courses
Unity Learn Course - AI For Beginners

Finite State Machine Challenge

This tutorial provided a challenge to complete and then provided a solution. The challenge was to create a state where the npc would retreat to an object tagged as "Safe" when the player approached the NPC closely from behind.

My Approach

Since they had a State enum named Sleep already that we had not worked with yet, I used that as the name of this new state (I started with Retreat, but then found the extra Sleep enum so I changed to that since I assumed it would be more consistent with the tutorial). Similar to the CanSeePlayer bool method added to the base State class for detecting when the player is in front of the NPC, I added an IsFlanked bool method here that worked similarly, but just detected if the player was very close behind instead of in front. I used this check in the Patrol and Idle state Update methods to determine if the agent should be sent into the new Sleep state.

In the Sleep state itself I used similar logic from the Pursue state for the constructor, so I set the speed to a higher value and isStopped to false so the NPC would start quickly moving to the safe location. In the Enter stage I found the GameObject with tag "Safe" (since this was set in the conditions for the challenge to begin with) and used SetDestination with that object's transform.position.

The Update stage simply checked if the npc got close to the safe object with a continuous magnitude vector check, and once it got close enough, it would set the nextState to Idle before exiting (since Idle quickly goes back to Patrol in this tutorial anyway, this is the only option really needed).

Finally, the Exit stage just performs ResetTrigger for isRunning to reset the animator and moves on to the next State (which is only Idle as an option at this time).

Their Approach:

Most of what they did was very similar, although they did make a new State named RunAway instead of the extra Sleep State, so I could have stuck with Retreat and been fine.

Notable differences were that they checked if the player was behind them by changing the order of subtraction when performing the direction check (changed player - npc to npc - player) where I just had the angle check use the negative forward vector of the npc instead of the positive vector. These give effectively the same results, but I liked my approach better since it matched up with what was actually being checked better.

They also set the safe gameObject immediately in the constructor, where I was setting this in the Enter stage of the State. Again, this basically gives the same results in most cases, but I think their approach was better here just because the sooner you perform and set that FindGameObjectWithTag the better I think just to make sure it has access when it does need it.

Finally, for their distance check to see if they had arrived at the safe zone, they used a native NavMeshAgent value, remainingDistance. I used the standard distance check of subtracting the vectors and checking the magnitude, so these again both give similar results. Mine is more explicit in how it is checking, and the NavMeshAgent value is just cleaner, so these both had pros and cons.


This was a nice challenge just to work with a simple existing finite state machine. Similar to what they mentioned in the tutorial, I think setting the safe object in the static GameEnvironment script and just pulling from that (instead of using FindGameObjectWithTag every time the NPC enters the Sleep/RunAway State) would be much more efficient. Also just to help with checking states and debugging, I added a Debug.Log for the base State Enter stage method that just returned the name of the current State as soon as it was entered each time. This let me know which State was entered immediately when it was entered, so this also helped show me when the states were entered, so this was a very nice state machine check that only required a single line of code.


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