UnityLearn - AI For Beginners - GOAP - The GOAP Planner

July 21, 2020

AI For Beginners

Goal Orientated Action Planning (GOAP)

Part 7

Beginner Programming: Unity Game Dev Courses
Unity Learn Course - AI For Beginners

The GOAP Planner

GOAP Planner - Part 1

Planner starts by looking through all the achievable actions and finding which can be performed given the starting states from the first node. This can create the branches for the action network which will then continue to have actions connected to them (that satisfy the state conditions) until a chain is found that has a result which matches the initial goal.

GPlanner Class

The first major step of this class is creating the Plan method which returns a Queue of GActions (this will basically be the full list of actions that will be chosen to actual be acted out). This starts by making a List of usable GActions (those which satisfy the IsAhchieavable condition).

They then start a List of the newly create Node class objects, which acts as a more encompassing container for a GAction object. The most important data of which is the running cost of the entire branch of Node objects. This allows for the next step where they go through the list of Nodes (named leaves) to find the cheapest Node (which in turn is the cheapest path). The running cost is an assumption of the capabilities of the BuildGraph method they added in the middle of this process they have not yet defined.

Finally another List of GActions is created. This time the list is simply created by starting with the cheapest Node and following it back to the original Node through their parents contained within the Node class (this is basically a linked list, and also works similarly to the basic A* node/waypoint reading method I have worked with).

C# Note

When creating the Node helper class they made sure to create a new Dictionary and pass it the values from the other Dictionary since they wanted a new copy of that Dictionary. It is important to note that if you simply set the Dictionary equal to the other Dictionary that it becomes a pointer to that Dictionary as opposed to its own separate new Dictionary.

GOAP Planner - Part 2

This tutorial focuses on building the BuildGraph method for the GPlanner class. It is noted ahead of time that this method will strongly rely on recursion.

The BuildGraph method returns a bool value and has input parameters: Node parent, List leaves, List useableActions, and Dictionary goal. It begins by searching through the List of useableActions to determine which are achievable given the parent Node's state.

For each achievable action, it creates a replica state of the parent Node's state, searches through all the effects of that action (resulting states from performing the action), and adds any that are not already found in the current state to that replica state. This setup allows the method to predict what the chain of states would look like if it were to progress through these actions so it can determine a plausible entire chain of actions.

Using all of this information, a new Node object is created which receives the parent Node as its parent, the parent cost combined with the current action's cost as its cost, the modified parent state as its currentState, and the action itself for its action.

Finally the recursion comes in to finish out the method. If the goal is achieved as indicated by the modified currentState outcome, the newly create Node is added to leaves, the true list of actions to perform. Otherwise, a new subset of actions is created from the full list of usableActions and passed into the BuildGraph method recursively (this subset simply removes the action it just tried since it was deemed ineffective). This continually shrinks down the list of actions to create the terminal condition for this recursive method. GoalAchieved and ActionSubset are two more methods used within this method to help with this final recursive step.


This section was very coding heavy and got deep into the core of creating the GOAP AI system. The GPlanner class is doing the heavy lifting of finding which actions are viable for an agent to perform and determining what chain of actions can get the agent from its initial world state to its final goal state it is aiming to achieve.


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