Architecture AI Pathing Project: Applying Revit Parameter Data to Model in Unity
December 8, 2020
File Reader
Architecture AI Project
Applying Revit Parameter Data to Model in Unity
After reading the Revit parameter data into Unity, it could now be used to modify the model within Unity itself. The original goal was to read the data to determine which objects within the model should be placed on which Unity layer, specifically the "Unwalkable" layer in most cases. It should then be extended to be able to add components to specific objects as well, meaning it needs to have a diverse functionality set available when modifying these individual objects.
Building Data Arrays as Dictionaries for Flexibility
Since the full extent of the use of this data is not fully known yet, having a flexible and extendable option for organizing and searching through the data made sense here. As the data is read in one sheet at a time and placed into separate 2D string arrays, I decided to organize those 2D arrays within a dictionary. The key of these dictionaries is a single string, the sheet name, and then the values of the dictionaries are the entire 2D string arrays. This allows various methods to easily find a single (or multiple) arrays of data for their specific needs without searching through all the data read in.
Interface for Building Classes to Handle Various Functions for Modifying Objects in Model
Because we will need a wide variety of functionalities for modifying the objects in the model (starting with either changing the layers or adding various components), and this will consistently involve a gameobject (that object being modified) and some string value (the data read from the Revit parameters), I looked to creating an Interface foundation for this system.
I created the IRevitModelDataHandler interface, and started with two new classes for setting it up, which were RevitDoorDataHandler and RevitWallDataHandler. IRevitModelDataHandler just has a method named ModifyModelWithData that takes inputs of a GameObject and a string. RevitDoorDataHandler then uses that method to apply the logic to doors in the scene and RevitWallDataHandler uses that method to apply logic to walls in the scene. At this time they are both layer modifying logic, but they are still done in different ways currently. These classes will both be implemented from a centralized location (which currently is the CSVReaderRevitModel class, but may be moved elsewhere for organization).
Finding the Objects to Modify
I took the approach of finding objects within the model based on their ID values and this worked well. Each sheet has an ID column as the first column, so this can consistently be located in the same place for all data. As the system goes through the sheets of interest one line at a time, it uses the ID from the first column and searches through all the GameObjects in the architecture model until it finds one with a name containing the ID number. Once found, it knows this is the object it will be modifying with that row's data.
Finding and Applying the Correct Data
The data we are interested in for any given functionality will be determined by the name of the column (the column header). So when preparing for applying a specific functionality, it is known which header title to search for, and upon finding it, that column index is noted and retained. Then again, as the system goes through a sheet of interest one row at a time, it knows which column to search for to find the data which it will actually be applying to the found object. Both this value and the found GameObject can then be passed as input parameters to any class implementing the IRevitModelDataHandler interface.
With flexibility and extendability at the forefront, I built the Revit parameter model modifying system with a dictionary for the 2D string data arrays and an interface system to apply the various logics necessary. So far this appears to be an effective approach, and is working so far in the test runs to apply the "Unwalkable" layer to specific doors noted by the Door Revit parameter data.
Reorganization of where some of the core system methods are located could be beneficial. The CSVReaderRevitModel class is holding a lot of the major methods right now, and is using an awkward switch statement to determine which interface implementing classes to use for which data. This is ok for now, but it will not particularly scale well. Ideally, the interface implementation should provide an avenue to mitigate this through more proper use of polymorphism.
Next Step
Reorganizing and cleaning the underlying data application system for the Revit paramater data application will be a clear next step, so hopefully I can clean out the CSVReaderRevitModel class and use the interfaces more properly. I then need to get it working with several sheets of the data (namely Doors and Walls), and then implement a version that can apply components since that will also be needed in the near future. The next large goal remains to be updating the ray casting system of the project.
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