Architecture AI Pathing Project: Cleaning Build UI

March 15, 2021

Working with UI

Architecture AI Project

Working with UI

Since UI looked organized into 4 major groups vertically, I used a Vertical Layout Group for the overall control. I then filled this with 4 empty UI objects, one for each major UI group.

Vertical Layout Group

  • Anchor Preset: stretch/left (anchors to the left, but expands for full vertical screen space)
  • Pivot: (0, 0.5) (Moves pivot point to the far left, so width controls how much it expands out from edge, and Pos X can just remain 0)
  • Child Force Expand: Width (Helps expand everything to fit the full width)
  • Child Force Expand: Height (May not be needed)
  • Control Child Size: Width (May not be needed)
  • Padding: Left, Top, Bottom (Keep everything slightly away from edge)

Controlling the anchors and pivot is extremely important. After setting up the vertical layout group, a lot of the individual control is necessary for the horizontal organization. The anchors, the x position in particular, can be used to help stretch the UI objects to fit whatever is dictated by the overall layout group container.

Using Anchors

For example, many objects are side by side and want to fit half of the given width. To do this, the left object uses anchor X values of min = 0.0 and max = 0.5. The right object uses X values of min = 0.5 and max = 1.0. The values are percentage based, so this allocates the first half of the given space to the first object and the second half to the other.

Using Pivots

The pivot then ties in as this is the base point, or handle of the UI object, so this is the point that all the positioning is relative to. So many of the objects start with a pivot at (0.5, 0.5), which is in the center of the object. This requires annoying extra positioning values, normally half of the width of the object, to fit properly. By moving the pivots though, they become much easier to position.

Again, looking at the UI examples that have 2 objects split the space horizontally, the pivots are used somewhat similarly to the anchors. The left object has its pivot set to (0, 0.5), so the X is set to 0.0. The right object has its pivot set to (1.0, 0.5), so the X is set to 1.0. These are again percentage based, so the (0, 0.5) pivot moves the handle to the extreme left of the object, and the (1.0, 0.5) moves the pivot to the extreme right. This way, the "X position" (now named Left and Right) can just be set to 0. This is conjunction with the edited anchor points will position the object perfectly to fill half the space horizontally.

These uses of UI anchor and pivots can be seen in the following figure in the bottom two groups of UI elements as I worked through applying them (the section with the "Run Sim" button and the section with the "Output .csv" button). The upper sections had not been modified yet.

Fig. 1: Example of These UI Modifications in During Work in Progress (Only Lower 2 Sections)


I learned a lot about the workings of UI elements in Unity by getting this setup much more organized. The anchors help locate the extents of the positions of a UI element, where as the pivot is simply the base point all the positioning and scaling originates. I also found that changing the anchor presets just has a set value for this different options (which completely makes sense once you look at it). For instance, stretch just sets the anchors to 0.0 and 1.0 to force it to fit the area it is parented by (or the entire screen).


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