Unity Shader Graph - Signed Distance Fields and Subgraph Errors

June 23, 2021

Shader Graph


Title: Drawing Boxes and Rectangles in URP Shader Graph with 2D SDFs! 2021.1 | Unity Game Dev Tutorial
By: Ned Makes Games
Youtube - Tutorial
Description: Exploration into calculating signed distance fields and using them with Unity's Shader Graph.


This shader tutorial quickly explores calculating signed distance fields and using that for interesting effects. These effects were built in HLSL in the tutorial video originally, but they also show how these can be implemented with Unity's Shader Graph system. I wanted to use the Shader Graph approach, but unfortunately I found that Unity's Shader Graph Subgraphs have some major issues.

Signed Distance Fields (SDFs)

Signed Distance Fields (SDFs): calculate the distance from any arbitrary point to a specific shape

Principles of Calculating

To start, they look at an example using a rectangle whose center is at the origin (0, 0).

First, they find the distance from the point, p, to the center of the rectangle, which is just the length of the Vector2 p because the center is at the origin.

Then, using the symmetry of the rectangle, the absolute value of point, p, and the half dimensions of the rectangle are used to determine the distance of the point to any corner of the rectangle.

To get the positive results, they find the vector between the absolute value of point, p, and the corner of the rectangle and find the length of this vector after converting any negative components to 0.

Since the core of an SDF is that it is signed, meaning that a point inside the shape returns a negative value and a point outside the shape returns a positive value, they expand it to deal with negative distances. The vector, d, which is that from the absolute value of point, p, to the corner of the rectangle is only inside of the shape when both components of d are negative.

Assuming both components of d are negative, the result from the previous step already results in 0, so they can add a secondary component to this that returns a negative result in this case. By using min(max(d.x, d.y), 0) they can find this distance because a point within the rectangle must be closer to one wall or the other, or they are identical values. This is why there also is no rounded effect within the rectangle.

Moving the rectangle's center from the origin just requires an additional offset argument.

Then, rotation requires another argument, and requires rotational matrix math (something I covered in my investigation to changing vector spaces).

Unity Problem with Subgraphs

While following along to mimic their Shader Graphs, I came across a Unity issue working in Sub Graphs especially. When creating properties and moving those property nodes around, Unity consistently runs in ArgumentNullException errors which completely shut the graph down and prevent any further progress until it is closed and reopened. Apparently Unity versions 2021.2 and up may work better with this, so I will have to look into more Unity versions in the future.


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