Doppler Effect in Mario Kart - Game Audio - by Scruffy

July 1, 2021

Doppler Effect and Audio Controller

Game Audio

Title: Mario Kart and the Doppler Effect
By: Scruffy
Youtube - Information
Description: Explanation of how Mario Kart creates the doppler effect and efficiently distributes audio to multiple players.


This video covers how Mario Kart Wii specifically uses the doppler effect, as well as just how some of their audio systems work in general. It is decent coverage of how to implement a basic doppler effect system into a game in general.

Fig. 1: Image from "Mario Kart and the Doppler Effect" Video Above by Scruffy

Setup of Doppler Effect System

The key is the relationship between sound frequency and relative velocity of objects. Their approach to measure this is just by measuring the distance from the audio source to the audio listener each frame, and if there is a difference, that is used for a relative velocity term. This relative velocity term is bound to some negative and positive scale (one direction meaning higher frequency and the other being lower frequency). The way this relative velocity maps to a difference in sound frequency can use any mathematical relationship to fit whatever feels best (i.e. linear, logarithmic, etc.).

They break this core down into three basic steps:

  1. Get distance between source and listener each frame
  2. Subtract from previous for rate of change
  3. Map rate of change to determine sound playback speed (to taste)

Expansion of the System and Efficiency

This explanation shows the direct relationship between an audio source and an audio listener, but games tend to have many audio sources. They show how immediatley this can at least be simplified by having some audio distance so the calculations only need to be performed on objects within a certain distance of the listener. The other big part of simplifying the system is just limiting which sources implement the doppler effect. Not every sound needs to use this, so it can be removed from many standard sources (i.e. the crowd in Mario Kart).

Split Screen Solution

This is fairly niche, but still interesting. With split screen, the audio of multiple listeners needs to come through a single audio output. Since they may experience different levels of the doppler effect for the same audio sources, they needed a solution to provide an experience that does not sound like a mess. Their approach was that each player only makes sound in their own camera (so one player is not listening to the other on the same screen), and when dealing with outside sources, only the player closest to the audio source is taken into account. The other player's audio for that source is simply negated. This is a nice solution as the system already takes the distance between sources and listeners into account anyway.


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