Compiling List of Physical Phenomena for Game Analysis

January 10, 2019

Physical Properties to Observe in Games for Thesis

List of Physical Properties/Phenomena/Measures

I am compiling a list of physical factors that could be considered as the system or parameters to control/set for my thesis project. This will help me determine what factors I should be looking for in the games I am analyzing, as well as helping me develop a concept for the game to showcase the thesis design.

What are physical properties that could be coded as systems in games? Look for equations for general physical properties:

  • Force: Wikipedia - Force
    • F = dp/dt = d(mv)/dt
    • If mass remains constant (which it generally does in most normal physical instances), this can be changed to the more well known F = ma (because dv/dt = a) [1]
    • F = ma
    • Gravity
    • Magnetism
    • Thrust – increases velocity of object
    • Torque – produces changes in rotational speed
    • Mechanical Stress – distribution of forces through extended body where each part applies force to adjacent parts
      • Causes no acceleration of body because forces within body balance each other
      • i.e. Polybridge games
    • Friction
    • Equilibrium
    • Continuum Mechanics
      • Pressure – distribution of many small forces applied over an area of a body
      • Stress(?) – usually causes deformation of solid materials or flow in fluids
      • Drag – decreases velocity of objects
    • Elastic Force
      • Elasticity
      • Hooke’s Law = F = kx
    • Four fundamental Forces of Natures:
      • Gravitation
      • Electromagnetic
      • Strong Nuclear
      • Weak Nuclear

Energy: Wikipedia - Energy

  • “In physics, energy is the quantitative property that must be transferred to an object in order to perform work on, or to heat, the object”
  • Work = Force * Distance
  • W= ∫_C▒〖F∙ds〗(Equation from Word is a bit messed up)
    • Work is equal to the line integral of the force along a path C
  • Potential energy – stored by an object’s position in a force field
    • Potential gravitational energy
    • Electrical
    • Magnetic
  • Kinetic Energy – for moving objects
  • Elastic Energy
  • Chemical energy – caused by fuel burning
  • Radiant Energy – carried by light
  • Thermal energy – due to object’s temperature


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