Presentation Sources, Jan 5, 2018

Engineering Mechanisms as Game Elements

Mechanisms (Engineering) - Wikipedia

"A mechanism, in engineering, is a device that transforms input forces and movement into a desired set of output forces and movement."

Examples of Mechanisms:

  • Gears and Gear Trains
  • Belt and Chain Drives
  • Cam and Followers
  • Linkages
  • Friction Devices

Example Games Dealing with Engineering Mechanisms

Gears - FantasticChoice - Flash Game

This game has one intitial gear powered by a robot, and the player must place gears to fit between that initial gear and the goal gear to get it to rotate the correct direction. Main focus of the game is spacially fitting different sized gears, and understanding resulting direction of rotation on other gears.

The Incredible Machine 2 - Gameplay Video

Game where the player places goofy components in order to create a Rube Goldberg device to obtain some goal or objective.


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