March 9th, 2018

Creating Interesting Particle Effects in Unity

Ripple Effects | Unity Particle Effects | Visual FX Tutorial - Youtube

This video is a tutorial on setting up a basic ripple effect using the particle effects given in Unity. This serves as a basic introduction to some of the different parameters of particle systems. This was useful in setting up the visuals for the projectile in our DIGM 530 project Coral Invasion.

Images and Video of Use as Projectile for Project

Video of Projectile in Motion with Audio
Some Useful Notes:
  • As a projectile effect, it was important to make sure to edit the parameter to have the particle gameObject destroy itself once all the particles died.
  • Editing the parameters of lifetime, rate, scaling size/color all useful to fit the particle between two circle colliders.
  • Was able to attach the particle system prefab to the player script exactly like would normally be done for a generic gameObject used as a projectile. Can instantiate particle systems.


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