Unity Basic AI State Machine Tutorials

September 23, 2019

Basic AI State Machines

Unity Tutorials

Youtube - Unity3D AI with State Machine (FSM), Drones, and Lasers!
Tutorial #1
By: Unity3d College

Youtube - Unity 3D - Make a Basic AI State Machine
Tutorial #2
By: Joey The Lantern

Tutorial #3
By: Blackthornprod

State machine is just a term I have come across when researching and working with AI projects, so I wanted to delve into it a bit more to understand it better. It is my hope that this will be useful as both game design experience as well as general programming experience. These tutorials I grabbed are mostly from well know Unity devolepers that put out generally good learning content, especially when it comes to the programming side.

I am also looking to take a general AI course and do some more advanced AI work in my thesis, so it makese sense to start finding some more interesting or well defined AI systems and learn how they are made. These tutorials are relatively all on the shorter end as well, so should be easy to knock them all out in a single session.


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