Human: Fall Flat Level Concept/Skill Breakdown - Medieval

February 27, 2020

HFF Level Concept/Skill Breakdown

Level: Medieval

Playthrough Sources Referenced

Human Fall Flat (No Commentary) (16/09/2017)
Video #1
By: SpeedyAvatar

Human Fall Flat - Full Playthrough w/ summit1g
Video #2
By: summit1g

Title: Automatic Game Progression Design through Analysis of Solution Features

E. Butler, E. Andersen, A. M. Smith, S. Gulwani, and Z. Popović, “Automatic Game Progression Design through Analysis of Solution Features,” 2015, pp. 2407–2416, doi: 10.1145/2702123.2702330.


I am looking into existing HFF levels to analyze the various small puzzle scenarios present in an attempt to breakdown what skills and/or concepts the player needs to understand or be able to act upon in order to complete them. The approach on how these are broken down was inspired by the the way procedural traces and n-grams are used in the above source by Butler et al. It is hoped that this approach to breaking down various puzzle scenarios in HFF will help with the automatic generation of such scenarios. I have also included an object list for each scenario to keep track of how many objects are needed for simple puzzle scenarios.

This breakdown goes throw the Medieval level of the base Human: Fall Flat game. I split up the individual puzzle scenarios the player encounters throughout the level in the steps required for a single solution avenue for completing the puzzle. Each of these steps is them given some simple skill or concepts necessary to understand to perform each step.

Medieval Level Breakdown

Scenario 1

    Intro: Lock Smashing
  1. Picks up rock (Grab)
  2. Breaks lock with rock (Breakable Object)(Apply Force)
  3. Opens door (Grab)(Pull)(Open door)
Object list:

Rock, Door, Lock

Scenario 2

    Cross Gap to Door
  1. Grabs long bar (Grab)
  2. Places bar over gap to act as bridge (Create platform)
  3. Walks across bar to door
Object list:

Long Bar, Stairs, Platform, Door

Scenario 3

    Catapult to Break Walls
  1. Move catapult into position (Push)(Pull)
  2. Wind catapult to loading position (Push)(Pull)(Grab)(Interact)
  3. Lift rock onto catapult (Pickup object)
  4. Press catapult lever to shoot rock (Push)(Interact)
  5. Rock hits wall to break it open: Gravity for aiming (Apply force)(Force = mass * acceleration)(Gravity)(Breakable Object)
Object list:

Catapult, Rock(s), Wall

Scenario 4

    Inside Castle: Rickshaw Platform
  1. Grab rickshaw handles (Grab)
  2. Lift rickshaw up by handles : Helps wheels to roll (Lift object)(Friction)
  3. Move rickshaw with rock on it into place as platform (Create platform)
  4. Lift self onto rock (Lift self)
  5. Jump onto higher area (Jump)
Object list:

Rickshaw, Large Rock (on rickshaw), Platform

Scenario 5

    Swinging Between Lanterns
  1. Lift bar on door to open it (Lift object)
  2. Bring in rickshaw from previous section (Resource management)(Memory)
  3. Move rickshaw with rock on it into place as platform (Create platform)
  4. Lift self onto rock (Lift self)
  5. Jump onto higher area (Jump)
  6. Jump onto lantern to swing (Jump)(Grab)(Hold)
  7. Swing on lantern (Momentum)
  8. Jump from lantern to platform : Falling to lower platform (Momentum)(Gravity)
Object list:

Rickshaw, Large Rock (on rickshaw), Platform (Many), Lantern(s) (Many)

Scenario 6

    Move Very Heavy Rickshaw
  1. Move (heavier) rickshaw with rock on it into place as platform (Create platform)
  2. Jump and lift self onto nearby platform several times (Jump)(Lift self)
  3. Go across platform created by rickshaw moved in place
Object list:

Large Rickshaw, Rock (Very heavy), Small Platforms (Many), Bridge (with gap)

Scenario 7

    Swing Across Gap with Hook
  1. Grab large hook (Pickup object)(Grab)
  2. Hook hook onto protruding bar to swing self across gap (Momentum)(Gravity)(Hold)
Object list:

Large Hook, Protruding Bar, Platform

Scenario 8

    Rotate Pulley-Like Wheel to Lift Board as Ramp
  1. Pickup Large Hook (Pickup object)
  2. Use hook to pull down above large wooden board (Gravity)(Reach)(Pull)
  3. Pull large wooden board so half is on roped stone (Pull)
  4. Rotate nearby wheel connected to rope to lift stone, raising the large wooden board to create a ramp platform (Pulley)(Create platform)
Object list:

Large Hook, Large Wooden Board, Platform, Wheel Pulley Setup (Large Wheel connected to Rope which is connected to Large Stone), Terrain Bump

Scenario 9

    Push Barrel Down Ramp and Climb Many Platforms
  1. Open Door (Pull)
  2. Go up stairs
  3. Open Door (Pull)
  4. Roll barrel down ramp to get to other side (Pull)(Push)(Gravity)(Ramp)(Roll)
  5. Move barrel in position to reach next platform (Create Platform)(Pull)(Push)
  6. Jump onto barrel and next higher platforms (Jump)(Lift self)
  7. Jump up onto several higher platforms (Jump)(Lift self)
  8. Turn wheel to open gate (Interact)(Grab)(Open door)
Object list:

Barrel, Ramp, High Platform, Platforms (Many), Gate (with attached wheel opening device)

Scenario 10

    Free Lantern to Swing From
  1. Grab Large Hook (Pickup object)
  2. Use hook to free stuck lantern with chain (Reach)(Interact)
  3. Swing on lantern to next platform (Jump)(Hold)(Momentum)(Gravity)
  4. Grab platform and lift self up (Lift self)(Hold)(Grab)
Object list:

Large Hook, Lantern (w/chain), Platforms (Two)

Scenario 11

    Launch Self with Windmill
  1. Grab onto windmill (Grab)(Hold)
  2. Let go of windmill to launch self to next area (Momentum)(Gravity)
Object list:

Windmill, Platform

Scenario 12

    Build Ramp with Board, Anvil, and Cylinder
  1. Remove heavy anvil from board to free board (Push)(Pull)(Reduce Mass)
  2. Move anvil, board, and cylinder in front of open area of higher platform
  3. (Push)(Pull)
  4. Place board over cylinder so cylinder acts as fulcrum of ramp
  5. (Ramp)(Push)(Pull)(Create platform)
  6. Place anvil at far end of board to keep it pinned to the ground (Increase mass)(Ramp)(Cantilever)
  7. Walk up created ramp and jump and lift self to next area (Jump)(Lift self)
Object list:

Board, Anvil, Cylinder, High Platform

Scenario 13

    Build Ramp to Get Tethered Bucket into Hole
  1. Remove board from covering hole in ground (Pull)
  2. Move board to tree to use as ramp (Ramp)(Pull)
  3. Go up ramp to reach higher platforms (Jump)(Lift self)
  4. Free tethered bucket from high platform (Push)
Object list:

Bucket (connected to rope connected to tree), Tree, Boards (x2 on hole), Platforms (x2)

Scenario 14

    Loose Rock Pillar Cave Platforming
  1. Jump onto loose rock pillar to fall onto next platform (Momentum)(Jump)(Breakable Object)
  2. Walk across next rock platform
  3. Jump to rock platform which breaks and falls to next platform (Jump)(Hold)(Breakable Object)(Momentum)
  4. Lift self onto next rock platform (Lift self)
  5. Jump to next loose rock pillar to fall into next area (Momentum)(Jump)(Breakable Object)
Object list:

Loose Rock Pillars (Many), Platforms (Many)

Scenario 15

    Launch Self to Castle Gate with Catapult
  1. Move catapult into position (Push)(Pull)
  2. Wind catapult to loading position (Push)(Pull)(Grab)(Interact)
  3. Load self into catapult
  4. Press catapult lever to shoot self (Push)(Interact)
  5. Hold onto draw bridge, which pulls it down (Hold)(Lever)(Torque)
  6. Lift long loose piece of bridge out (Pull)(Pickup object)
  7. Place long piece into opening in gate to create ramp (Ramp)
Object list:

Catapult, Draw Bridge


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