Architecture AI Completed Prototype with Data Visualization and Pathing Options

June 24, 2020

Architecture AI Project

Completed Project Prototype


We were exploring different methods for importing architectural models into Unity and decided to try Revit to see what it had to offer. The models are easy to move between softwares, and it also creates .cs scripts that Unity can use to provide some interactive data visualization when using the Revit models.

Data Visualization Options

I moved everything dealing with the major logic of the A* grid node visualization into its own class named AStarGridVisualization. This allowed me to continue to hold on to all the different debug visualization methods I created over the course of the project and convert them into a list of options for the designer to use for visualization purposes.

As can be seen in the demo, there is a list of options in the drop down list in the Unity Inspector so the designer can tell the system which data to visualize from the nodes. The options currently available are: Walkable, Window, and Connectivity. Walkable shows which nodes are considered walkable or not. Window and Connectivity show a colored heat map to show those respective values within the nodes themselves.

Changing Values Used for Pathing

The project wanted to be able to use different types of values to see their effects on the agents' pathing, so every node has several different types of architectural values (i.e. Window and Connectivity). Using the window information for pathing will give different agent paths than when using the connectivity values, because the agents have different affinities towards these types of values and the nodes have different values for these different types contained within the same node.

The PathFindingHeapSimple class handles the calculations for the costs of the paths for the agents, so I have also located the options to switch between pathing value checks here. This class is responsible for checking nodes and their values to see which lead to the lowest cost paths, so there is another drop down list available to the designer here that determines which architectural value type these checks look at when looking at the nodes. This allows the designer to choose which architectural value actually influences the agents' paths.

A* Node Grid Construction Options

This point of the project was still working with various types of model imports from various softwares to find which worked the best and most consistent, so I added some extra options for generating the node grid in the first place to give some quick options that may better help line up the node coverage area with the model at hand. These major options located in the AGrid class itself are: GridOriginAtBottomLeft and UseHalfNodeOffset (the third is determining whether the system reads data from a file or not to add values to the node grid, but that's a more file oriented option).


GridOriginAtBottomLeft determines where Unity's origin is located relative to the node grid. When true, Unity's origin is used as the bottom left most point of the entire node grid. When false, Unity's origin is used as the central point of the generated node grid.


UseHalfNodeOffset is responsible for shifting the nodes ever so slightly to give a different centering option for the nodes. When true, half of the dimension of an individual node is added to the positioning vector of the node (in x and z) so that the node is centered within the coordinates made by the system. When false, the offset is not added, so the nodes are directly located exactly at the determined coordinates.

File Reading to Set Values Within Nodes

There are two major ways to apply architectural values to the nodes: using architectural objects (within Unity itself) or reading data from a file. The data files contain x and y coordinate information along with a value for a specific architectural value for many data points throughout a space. These files can be placed Unity's Assets/Resources folder to be read into the system. The option referenced above in the AGrid to read data from a file or not is the IsReadingDataFromFile bool, and it just tells the system whether or not to check the file told to the system to assign values to the grid.

The FileReader object holds the CSVReader class which deals with the logic of actually reading this file information. The name of the file to be read needs to be inserted here (by copy/paste generally to make sure it is exact), and the dimensions of the data should be manually assigned at this time to make sure the system gets all of the data points and assigns them to the grid appropriately (these data dimensions are the "x dimensions" and "y/z dimensions" ranges of the coordinates within the data).

Demonstration of Prototype

This demonstration helps show the different data visualization options of the grid, the agent spawning system, how changing the architectural value path type changes the agents' paths, and how a lot of these systems look in the Unity Inspector.

Vimeo - Architecture AI Project Prototype Demonstration


I really liked a lot of the options I was able to add to help increase the project's overall usability and make it much easier to switch between various options at run time to test different setups. The end product is meant to help users that may not have a lot of Unity experience, so I tried to reduce the learning curve by making a lot of options easily accessible with visible bools and drop down lists, while also providing some simple buttons in the game space to help with some other basic actions (such as spawning new agents).

Many of the classes were constructed with scalability and efficiency in mind, so expanding the system should be very doable. However much of this scalability is still contained within the programming itself and the classes themselves would need to be modified to add more options to the system at this point (such as new architectural types). This is something I would like to make more accessible to the designer so that it's intuitive and possible to modify without programming knowledge.

The file reading system works well enough for these basic cases, but it could definitely use some work to be more flexible and work with various node grid options. This is something I could use more work on in general, and having systems to read in files and output files to record data would be useful to understand better in general.


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