UnityLearn - AI For Beginners - GOAP - Setting Up GOAP System

June 11, 2020

AI For Beginners

Goal Orientated Action Planning (GOAP)

Parts 4, 5, and 6

Beginner Programming: Unity Game Dev Courses
Unity Learn Course - AI For Beginners


This part of the course gets into actually programming the GOAP system and using it within their example Unity project. These tutorials focused on setting up the foundational classes: GAgent, GAction, GWorld, and WorldStates. These are used as the core of the system as they either hold all the information to pass around through the system, or serve as the base classes to work with for creating agents within the system.

The World States

The World States

    The main scripts created here are:
  • GAgent
  • GAction
  • GWorld
  • WorldStates


They added another class within this script named WorldState. This WorldState class just holds a string named key, and an int named value. These will be used for a dictionary setup, hence the key and value naming setup. The rest of the WorldStates class itself deals with creating and modifying said dictionary of WorldState objects. It has several dictionary management methods such as: HasState, AddState, ModifyState, RemoveState, SetState, and finally GetStates (to return all states when needed).


This was set as a public sealed class, because this will apparently help with setting up queues in the future. It also makes use of a singleton pattern to create a single location to hold all the world data that can be accessed by many objects.



GAction class:

This class is an abstract class, so it will be used as the overall parent class from which all actions for the GOAP system will be derived. Therefore it will serve as a framework for those classes.

Important Fields within this Class:
  • float cost - assigns value to an action (or chain of actions) to help determine between various plans
  • GameObject target - location where action will take place
  • float duration - how long the action will take to perform
  • WorldState[] preconditions - group of preconditions which the action requires to be met in order to perform said action
  • WorldState[] afterEffects - state results from performing this action
  • WorldStates agentBeliefs - states within the agent necessary to monitor with this action

The constructor for the GAction class just initializes a new dictionary for preconditions and effects (preconditionsDict and effectsDict). There is then a method named IsAchievable to determine if a particular goal can be achieved (which just returns true currently and that is it). Then there is an IsAchievableGiven method, which requires an input parameter of a Dictionary of conditions to see if they are present in the preconditionsDict within this action (so it basically returns whether the preconditions of an action are met or not).

Finally, there were two abstract methods added to use in derived actions. These were Preperform() and Postperform(). Preperform provides extra logic to check for before performing an action (i.e. checking what resources or agents are available), and Postperform will hold extra logic for how the world or agent states are impacted after the action is performed.



GAgent Class:

This class will use the System.Linq namespace to help sort and organize objects. They also added a SubGoal class within the GAgent script. This helps hold goals within the overall goal that can be added and removed as they are completed. This tutorial sets up the GAgent class so that it can be populated with GAction objects that are available for that specific GAgent.

General Unity Note - GetComponents Method

They use this.GetComponents (plural) to fill an array with all the components located on this game object. That is a good way to quickly populate an array with a bunch of similar components on a single game object I hadn't used before.


It was nice to finally get into actually programming the GOAP setup after following all the conceptual work. I really enjoy setting up base classes for bigger systems and getting to see the foundation of the GAction class specifically is interesting and I am excited to see how it ends up working out. I can already start to see how the flexibility of this system works through the GAction class specifically.

It feels like a lot of information needs to be passed around, and there are going to be some large classes holding a lot of information at one time, such as those holding information about the entire world state. I am interested to see how they approach these two issues while keeping everything manageable on the programming side while also keeping it running efficiently enough to run several agents (and different types of agents).


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