UnityLearn - Beginner Programming - Swords and Shovels: Character Controller and AI - Pt. 02 - NPC Controller

Novemeber 21, 2019

Beginner Programming: Unity Game Dev Courses

Beginner Programming: Unity Game Dev Courses
Unity Learn Course - Beginner Programming

NPC Controller

Creating NPC Patrol

The NPC has two main states: it will patrol within a set of waypoints or it will pursue the player. They create two main methods to control the NPC behavior, Patrol and Tick.

Both of these are called in the Awake method of the NPCController through the use of the InvokeRepeating command. This is done because you can set a time value that needs to pass between each invocation, so basically they can perform these methods in a "slow Update" fashion. Tick is called every 0.5s, while Patrol is called every patrolTime, which was defaulted at 15s.

The Patrol method used an inline ternary method to set the value of index, which is something I am not used to seeing. The line was as such:

index = index == waypoints.Length - 1 ? 0 : index + 1;

I believe this checks if index is equal to (waypoints.Length - 1), then if that is true, it sets the value of index to 0, and if it is false, it sets the value of index to (index + 1) (or index++). This is actually pretty basic waypoint logic, the syntax was just unusual.

This system has some flaws as well already. The InvokeRepeating calls start their timer countdowns immediately upon calling the method. So even though the NPC takes time to travel between waypoints, the countdown to move to the next waypoint has already started as soon as they start moving. This means their travel time must be taken into consideration when setting this value as if it is too low they will start moving to the next waypoint before they have even reached the current one as a destination.

Synchronizing Animation and Creating the Pursue Behavior

This tutorial starts similarly to synchronizing the player character's speed with its animation. They simply pass the NavMeshAgent component's speed value into the Animator controller's speed parameter to alter animation as the character's speed changes.

To create the pursue behavior, they added extra logic to the Tick method in the NPCController class. They added an if conditional to check if the player was within the aggroRange of the NPC, and if so, it would add the player's position as the NavMeshAgent destination value and increase its speed.


While the NPC logic was not very interesting, some of the programming syntax used was new and interesting. The use of InvokeRepeating without any coroutines or anything was also a neat way to just get a quick prototype system setup when you want something to run many times but Update is overkill.


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