UnityLearn - Beginner Programming - Observer Pattern - Pt. 03 - The Observer Pattern
Novemeber 7, 2019
Beginner Programming: Unity Game Dev Courses
Beginner Programming: Unity Game Dev Courses
Unity Learn Course - Beginner ProgrammingThe Observer Pattern
The Observer Pattern
Observer Pattern: software design pattern in which an object, called the subject, maintains a list of dependents, called observers, and notifies them of any state change, usually by calling one of their methods
Observer Pattern Anatomy
- collection of observers
- method: AddObserver
- method: RemoveObserver
- method: NotifyObservers
- method: Notify (what to do when notified)
An interface is a good way to ensure observers have the types of methods you need to exist when notified by the subject.
Implementing the Observer Pattern
This was an example of how to setup a basic observer pattern using the example project. First they created the interface for the observers, which was named IEndGameObserver. This simply held an empty method named Notify().
They then used the GameSceneController script as the subject for the observer pattern. To do so, they created a list of IEndGameObserver objects, created a method AddObserver which could add to that list, created a method RemoveObserver which could remove from that list, and finally a method called NotifyObservers that was a simple foreach loop that went through each IEndGameObserver in the list and called their Notify() method.
NotifyObservers then just needs to be called when the event or state is reached where the observers need to be informed that a change has occurred. Since this example was to inform objects of when the game ended, NotifyObservers was called within the GameSceneController script when the player ran out of lives.
Concrete Observers
Concrete Observers: just objects that implement the observer interface
This example showed that with this setup, either the observer or the subject can be used to add observers to the subject's collection of observers. The HUDController already had a reference to the GameSceneController (subject) so it made sense to just have it add itself to the observer collection through that reference.
While the EnemyController and PowerupController do not have reference to the GameSceneController, the GameSceneController has references to them created on instantiating them. These could then be used with the GameSceneController to add them to the observer collection upon instantiation.
***Could possibly use this observer pattern in my thesis project to easily collect all of the various Create classes into the Scenario classes (and potentially again to collect the Scenario classes into the SystemManager).
Removing Observers
To avoid nullreferenceexceptions, you must ensure that observers that are destroyed are also removed from the subject's collection of observers.
To apply this to the example, we added a method called RemoveAndDestroy to both the PowerupController and the EnemyController class which both removed it from the observer collection and destroyed it. This method was exactly the same for both, so this could indicate that it should be added to the interface itself to keep it consistent amongst all observers using this interface.
The Observer Pattern and C# Events
Example Problem with C# Events: The ProjectileController has an event that occurs when it reaches the bounds of the screen. The PlayerController subscribes to this event by adding one of its methods to this event. There are some cases where the projectile exists while the player is destroyed, so when the projectile goes out of bounds (and calls its event), it tries to invoke a method from the destroyed PlayerController class, which gives an error.
Similar to the observer pattern where we want to remove observers from the collection when they are destroyed to prevent errors, we want to unsubscribe classes from events when they are destroyed. This ensures that they are revmoved from the events invocation list so that they do not try to call methods of destroyed objects which will create errors.
The Publisher Subscriber Pattern
Publisher Subscriber Pattern: similar to Observer Pattern, but adds another entity, the broker, which is in charge of keeping track of and notifying subscribers.
Observer Pattern has a single subject, but publisher subscriber pattern can have any number of publishers. Each of these publishers has a reference to the broker to notify it when a noteworthy happening occurs.
Example: They created a class called EventBroker that just contained a public static event ProjectileOutOfBounds and a public static method named CallProjectileOutOfBounds (which just checked that the event wasn't empty and then called that event). The PlayerController subscribes to this event by adding its EnableProjectile method to it on Start (and removes it OnDisable), both of which are very direct since everything is public static in EventBroker. Finally, the ProjectileController invokes the event CallProjectileOutOfBounds when the projectile leaves the screen, which now invokes the PlayerController's EnableProjectile method.
This setup allows the ProjectileController to effectively communicate with the PlayerController without references to each other in anyway by going through the EventBroker.
Using delegates, events, and actions can provide a clean and effective way to communicate important happenings throughout many objects and have them act accordingly. The Observer Pattern uses a single subject and multiple observers which receive information from the subject when to do something. The Publisher Subscriber system is similar, but adds a middle man entity of a broker which communicates the information between the publisher and subscribers without the publishers or subscribers needing any direct reference between each other.
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