UnityLearn - Beginner Programming - Swords and Shovels: Character Controller and AI - Pt. 03 - Finalizing and Extending Systems

Novemeber 21, 2019

Beginner Programming: Unity Game Dev Courses

Beginner Programming: Unity Game Dev Courses
Unity Learn Course - Beginner Programming

Finalizing and Extending Systems

Designing with NavMesh Obstacles

This section just showed how obstacles work with NavMesh. Objects with colliders can be given NavMeshObstacle components to work as obstacles within the NavMesh. The Carve bool lets you determine if they "carve out" parts of the NavMesh to make them inaccessible for agents with NavMesh driven AI.

Finishing the Patrol System

The InvokeRepeating method has a delay paramter as well. This can be given various values between different objects so they are not all on the exact same cycle. This was used to offset the waypoint traveling cycles of the goblin NPCs.

Fine Tuning the Agents and Animation

The logic that was making the player character awkwardly slow down around the stairs and other obstacles is found within the obstacle avoidance part of the NavMeshAgent component. The simple fix was to just turn off obstalce avoidance completely. This is done by setting the "Quality" of obstacle avoidance to "None".

Conclusion and Extensions

They go back to working with the animator controller for the player character. Going back to the blend tree, they show the two parameters for the animation clips are: threshold and speed. The threshold is the value a parameter must hit to start a certain animation (here that parameter is another Speed). Since animations are being blended here, it changes the weights of the blending at various values of the parameter used to determining blending. Then the clip speed value simply changes how fast an animation clip is run.

They suggest using these animator controller parameters in concert with the NavMeshAgent parameters to keep your gameplay and animations synchronized. Using them together really helps fine tune things so that you can control gameplay exactly how you want, while also having characters and animation look proper.

They then simply show how to extend the level. It was as simple as copy/pasting some of the floor tiles, making sure they had generic colliders, and then rebaking the NavMesh.


This tutorial section involved working with the NavMesh tools and Animators again. This was again not extremely detailed or involved, but extra experience with those systems are useful. Some of the work with the Animator involved generically good advice to sync blending and animator parameters with gameplay to help provide a nice game experience.


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