HFFWS Generate Scenario As Gameobject Hierarchy

December 15, 2019

HFFWS Generation System

Scenario Gameobject Hierarchy

Connecting the System for Scenario Gameobject Hierarchy Organization

To help with organization of the overall system in Unity, I wanted each generated scenario to be fully contained within its own, single gameobject hierarchy. To do this, I had the DemoManager, my highest level in the system, create an overall gameobject that will act as the parent for the entire scenario hieararchy. This reference was then passed to the current ScenarioManager object, which can then pass it to all of its associated Create classes so they can all instantiate their chosen objects as children of that same parent gameobject.

The other benefit of this is that it helps with spacing out the individual scenarios for my DemoManager. The instantiated empty parent gameobjects have their transform.position set by the spacingBetweenScenarios variable within the DemoManager. This gives everything childed to it some significant spacing to work with with minimal programming effort.

Each ScenarioSpecific# GameObject Contains a full Pulley Setup


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