Sebastian Lague A* Tutorial Series - Weights - Pt. 06

December 9, 2019

A* Tutorial Series

Pt. 06 - Weights

A* Pathfinding (E06: weights)
Link - Tutorial
By: Sebastian Lague


Weights are exactly what I am looking for to influence the intelligence of the units in my project. They are an additional factor for moving in certain areas to make them more or less "appealing" to the AI to further influence their movement. This makes their movement more interesting than the simple "point A to point B" shortest distance.

When importing the Road object, I had to scale mine up (x5) to fit my scene like the tutorial. Unsure if they changed the size of their scene at some point, so this may impact the way the units travel so it is important to keep in mind.

This system is going to have the grid use a bunch of raycasts to see what they collide with to determine what type of terrain is in which area. The ray will return information on what terrain was hit, and this will relay the penalty information back to that specific grid location.


This class just had an int field added to it to hold the movement penalty value. While small, this is really the main piece of information that will allow everything else to work properly.


They added a new class, TerrainType, to hold information for the various terrains. This included a LayerMask field and an int field for the penalty value. The AGrid class itself then holds an array for these TerrainType objects so that the type and its corresponding penalty can be set in the Inspector. They noted that the LayerMask field here can have multiple layers set as usual, but make sure to NOT do this currently as it will mess up the current code.

(Much more code can be added to handle this, but they just wanted to do the simple setup for now)

They wanted to create a single LayerMask variable that held all the values of the masks within the TerrainType array. Unity uses bit masks for their layer mask system, so doing this required some weird syntax:

foreach (TerrainType region in walkableRegions)
//walkableMask.value = walkableMask | region.terrainMask.value;
walkableMask.value |= region.terrainMask.value;

The commented out section is the general concept of what is happening, and the uncommented section is just a short hand notation of doing the same thing. It uses a bit-wise OR operator to "add" the values together into a single layer mask.

Finally, in an attempt to provide some optimization to this system, they created a dictionary to hold information on all of the layers in the walkable regions. As the TerrainType array was added to the overall walkableMask, they were also added into a dictionary where the first value is the layer number and the second value is the movement penalty. Then when the raycasts were run, they just had to check this dictionary with the layer number they received so they could return the proper movement penalty value.


While I am not sure if this is exactly how I will be looking to use weights in my own system, it was still very helpful to see one way of approaching it. This method focused on the movement penalty being an inherent property of the type of ground, where I am looking for something that can update in the same area over time depending on other factors (such as learned danger of an area). At the very least, the math for factoring in the new penalty costs will most likely remain pretty similar in most approaches.


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