Issues with Intellisense in Visual Studio in Unity

December 10, 2019

Unity and Visual Studio

Intellisense Issues

Good Solution Options for Unity / Visual Code Intellisence Issues
Link - Possible Solutions

For some reason Visual Studio 2019 does not want to use Intellisense properly on the HFFWS project when using Unity commands. It still autocompletes some general stuff that I assume is more generally C# focused, but methods like Start, Awake, OnCollisionEnter that are Unity specific do not complete. They still work and run fine, but the autocomplete feature is missing.

I tried circumventing this by going back to Visual Studio 2017 as the code editor and it worked totally fine. This points to it being a VS 2019 issue directly, but it could also be how it interacts with Unity in general. I have to use an older version of Unity (2017.4.13f1) so maybe that has something to do with the issues that come up.

People run into this issue all the time for various reasons, and I have tried a lot of their solutions to no avail.

Moving the Script into the Project (Out of Miscellaneous Files)

Sometimes when you create a new C# script, it gets sent to Miscellaneous Files intstead of into your actual project. This completely removes its connection to Unity, so the intellisence autocomplete tends to break here. I have fixed this and the files were either moved back to the C Sharp Assembly or are now automatically put there again, so that is not my current issue.

Have the Unity Dev Tools Installed in VS

It should be a given I have this since I have used VS 2019 on other projects before and recently without issue, but I double checked that I have this installed as well. This is indeed still there, even found when using it for the HFFWS project which it is not working for.

Nuget Packages

This is something I was unclear with and do not think I was successfully able to even implement this as a recovery method. I never directly dealt with them initially to setup VS with Unity, so I was unsure if this would even be helpful for me when I have these issues later down the road.

Delete Visual Studio Generated Files

I went to the root folder of my Unity project to find the Visual Studio generated files to delete them. These are the .csproj, .sln, and .user files found there. I only had 2, the general solution file and a single .csproj file. I deleted both of those and restarted Unity and VS but it had not changed.

Reimporting Files

The easiest way to attempt this large scale is to just reimport the entire project. For bigger projects, such as this HFFWS project though, this can take a pretty long time. I tried a smaller scale approach by just reimporting my scripts folder but this gave me no results either.

Unloading/Reloading the Project Files

I tried unloading the C Sharp Assembly file and reloading it. I also tried unloading and reloading a few of the individual scripts themselves. This can sometimes fix the connection, but this also did not work here.


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