Concept for System for Generative Approach for Physics Based Games
January 31, 2019 Thesis - Generative System for Physics Based Games Concept Text Book Problem Generator My current thought on a system for developing generative processes for these games is somewhat like making a framework for problems in a physics text book. With the new system I’ve setup for directly tying physics concepts to these physics games (those lists of physics topics), I think I can relate a game’s parameters (those systematic game mechanic values) to the variables of the foundational equations corresponding to that same game’s potential learning concepts. Again, using Angry Birds as an example, let’s say “Impulse and Momentum” is a potential learning concept. A basic equation for momentum is (momentum) = (mass) * (velocity). Using this information, we can see that varying any parameters equivalent to or pertaining to the variables in this equation will require the player to “solve” the new “problem” presented to them by similarly varying their responses to the system. ...