Unity Basic Enemy AI Following and Spacing

January 11, 2019

Basic Unity AI Tutorials

Player Following and Spacing

By: Blackthornprod

This first video used the Unity command “MoveTowards” which I thought was giving me some issues so I just created my own follow AI using simple vector math (this was a good opportunity to brush up on vector math again). It turned out everything was fine and both ways worked, but I like really knowing the math behind what my objects are doing. The addition of a stopping distance so the enemy stopped moving towards you at a certain distance was a nice extra touch that’s very easy to add with a simple if statement tied to distance between player and enemy.

The second video was a bit more interesting by having the enemy have 3 ranges: vary far away, away, too close. At very far away, it moved closer. At away, it stayed in position. At too close, it would move away from the player. This could be a good setup to test setting up a small state machine to get practice using those with AI. I could have each of those be a state and use an enum switch case setup to decide which action the enemy should use.

This was also a nice little refresher on instantiating projectiles, although the logic for them was strange and bad. The projectileScript class would get the position of the player and then end at that position. This was then “remedied” in the tutorial by having it destroy itself when the projectile position was equal to that original target position, but math errors were preventing them from EXACTLY matching the value for me, which kept them from being destroyed. As a quick solution, I just changed the if statement to occur when the distance between the projectile’s position and the target position was less than 0.1, so it just had to be pretty close, which allows for some math errors. I imagine this is not a great solution either though as calculating distance in Update for a projectile constantly sounds too aggressive computationaly.


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